Colchester lost to Wrest Park 1-6
[<<] [>>] by John Bevington
at Colchester
12 Jul
2014 (AC - Mary Rose)
Mary Rose - Colchester v Wrest Park, played at Colchester on 12th July
Wrest Park beat Colchester 6-1
Bryan Harral (1) and John Bevington (.5) beat Nick Steiner (0) and Martin Leach (1.5) +3
George Collin (1) lost to Peter Kenward (3.5) -12
Tim Brewer (3) beat Rick Waterman (5) +15
John Bevington beat Nick Steiner +15
Bryan Harral beat Martin Leach +17
George Collin beat Rick Waterman +24
Tim Brewer beat Peter Kenward +7
Wrest Park got their revenge for the heavy defeat in the Inter Club a month earlier. The doubles was pretty much error-free, with John following Martin to 4-back, Nick going to peg, Bryan following and pegging Nick out and John finishing. Peter's solid play saw off George, but Tim won at what can best be described as the second attempt. A discreet veil should be drawn over the details, but suffice to say that it was a real Specsavers moment. After an excellent lunch George got his act together with a quick win. John handed Nick an easy break after he turned down a rush on partner to hoop 1 from corner 4 with the opponent balls loitering in the middle of the lawn and attempted to split one to hoop 2 and get a rush on the other to hoop 1. When this failed he put the opponent ball to hoop 1 and retired to partner, but the hoop 1 ball was in a runnable position and Nick ran it cleanly to the ball thoughtfully provided for him at hoop 2 and went to 4-back. John recovered to make the match secure, and after Bryan's win we sat in the shade of the pavilion to watch Tim finally get the better of Peter. Our thanks go to Colchester for their hospitality and the opportunity to play on such good lawns. We trust that Martin got home in reasonable time, as he managed to disprove Volkswagen's claim that locking your keys in the car was impossible.