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East Dorset lost to Surbiton 3-4

[<<] [>>] by Andy Dibben at East Dorset Croquet Club
25 Jul 2014 (AC - Mary Rose)

In a close match Surbiton beat East Dorset 4:3

For once the M3 was clear and the Surbiton team arrived at East Dorset ready to start just after 10:00 in bright sunshine.. Lunch was taken early with East Dorset 1 up in the singles and the other 2 games unfinished as the club house was need by the bridge group in the afternoon. Surbiton were ahead in the doubles with the other singles match evenly poised (4b & 1, vs 4b & 3). After lunch Surbiton quickly completed the doubles win but it was decided to peg down the John vs Mary game and start the afternoon singles.

By 16:00, 3 of the afternoon singles games had been completed with East Dorset holding a 3:2 lead. All eyes were then alternating between the approaching thunderstorm and the closely fought contest between John and Graham. Just as the rain started Graham as able to win +5 with John on penult and rover.

With the match tied at 3:3 there was then a 90 minute delay for a heavy thunderstorm. The pegged down game was finally able to restart at 18:15. Mary had the early break but the lead swapped several time with both players trying to adapt to the significant change in lawn speed. Mary finally got the winning break - completing a +6 win around 20:00.

A long day but a very enjoyable and close contest.

Results East Dorset names first:
William Ormerod (0) & David Williams (0) lost to David Mooney (1.5) & Andy Dibben (1.5) -19
Jonathan Wood (0) beat Graham Brightwell (2.5) +25
John Crowe (4) lost to Mary Knapp (2) -6
William Ormerod beat David Mooney +14
David Williams lost to Andy Dibben -18
Jonathan Wood beat Mary Knapp +11
John Crowe lost to Graham Brightwell -5


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