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Ashby lost to Oxford University 0-7

[<<] [>>] by Dr Tim King at Bath Lane, Moira
27th July 2014 (AC - Secretary's Shield)

The courts at Ashby are fast draining and lack automatic watering. As a consequence, they were at just about their most fearsome with hoops also punishing. However, the Oxford team showed great patience and ability, coming through with a whitewash.

Ashby names first

Tim King (3.5) & Mick Haytack (4.5) lost to Harry Fisher (-1) & Ian Plummer (-0.5) -7T
Richard Sanville (9) lost to Jordan Waters (10) -22
Derek Buxton (10) lost to Martin Lester (7) -20

King lost to Fisher -12
Haytack lost to Plummer -1T
Sanville lost to Lester -19T
Buxton lost to Waters -23


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