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Hurlingham beat Woking 4-3

[<<] [>>] by Alan Chance at Hurlingham Club
12 Aug 2014 (AC - Mary Rose)


(Hurlingham names first)

Alan Chance and Tom Coles beat Nick Harvey and Alan Edwards +16
Nelson Morrow beat Sara Anderson +6
Hugh Carlisle lost to David Mumford -25
Alan Chance lost to Nick Harvey -8TP
Tom Coles beat Alan Edwards +26TP
Nelson Morrow lost to David Mumford -23
Hugh Carlisle beat Sara Anderson +9

A sunny, windy morning. Hurlinghamwon the doubles and one of the singles to put the home team 2-1 up. The day's only heavy shower came right in the middle of the lunch break. Early afternoon saw two triple peels, unusual in the Mary Rose - a faultless break from Woking's Nick Harvey who peeled rover after 2 back, and an equally elegant +26TP from Tom Coles which brought his handicap down to -1/2. By 4.30 both teams had 3 games and all the outplayers settled down to watch Hugh Carlisle, on 2 back and 3 back, against Sara Anderson on 1 back and 4 back. After a tense and protracted duel Hugh laid up in the middle of the lawn, pegged one of his balls out giving Sara a last long shot, then pegged the second to give Hurlingham a 4-3 victory just before the rain came again.


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