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Christine Irwin, Croquet Player and Manager, Has Died

[<<] [>>] by Elizabeth Larsson
17th March 2015 (CqE Official News)

Christine Irwin, a talented manager of croquet events, died while playing croquet in Florida on 14 March 2015.

Christine played croquet along with her husband Colin, who was a member of several MacRobertson Shield teams. While Christine did not play at this level, she was a well-respected referee and manager. She managed the World Championships held at Hurlingham in 1992, refereed at other World Championships and at several MacRobertson Shield test matches both at home and abroad.

Both Christine and Colin were actively involved in supporting the 2010 MacRobertson Shield held in England, with Christine masterminding the programme production, as well as refereeing. She shared her management experience and contributed to the Croquet Gazette advising on tournament management.

Christine was not just a manager, but a coach and was the North West Federation's representative on the CA's Coaching Committee. She also contributed to croquet at local and regional level both in game administration and catering.

She will be sadly missed and the CA offers its condolences to Colin.


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