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Roehampton lost to Surbiton 2-5

[<<] [>>] by Andy Dibben at Roehampton
10th May 2015 (AC - Mary Rose)

On a dry day, a bit windy in the morning but sunny in the afternoon Surbiton and Roehampton played their Mary Rose match at Roehampton.

It was an enjoyable day, the lawns were fast and the competition intense but played in a friendly manner. Surbiton won the match 5-2 but all the games were fairly close and could have gone either way.

Results - Surbiton names first:

Chris Roberts (1.5) & Andy Dibben (2) beat Douglas Gurney (0) & Peter Siddall (1) +5
Graham Brightwell (2.5) beat David Mooney (1.5) +8
Howard Cheyne (2) lost to John Pearson (4) -10

Chris Roberts lost to Douglas Gurney -16
Andy Dibben beat Peter Siddall +6
Howard Cheyne beat David Mooney +9
Graham Brightwell beat John Pearson +13


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