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CA Tournament Regulations 2016

[<<] [>>] by Samir Patel
29th February 2016 (CqE Official News)

The CA Tournament Regulations for 2016 have been published today.

A full list of the 25 significant changes that will affect players, managers and referees can be found at the start of the Regulations. Those most likely to affect events are as follows.

  • The tournament entry acceptance process has been updated to allow a choice of selection by grade or ballot for first-class events.
  • The terminology for blocks has been standardised on single or multiple 'series', removing references to 'lives'.
  • The treatment of incomplete blocks has been updated to deal better with an incomplete multiple-series block.
  • Adoption of the new GC handicap system.
  • A new duty for managers to give priority, where possible, over first-colour balls to players with a colour vision deficiency.
  • Clarification added regarding whether an opponent is deemed to have won a game that a late player is deemed to have lost.
  • All players (rather than just the striker) now have the responsibility to draw the manager's attention to any conditions that may result in their allocated court being declared unfit for play.
  • Dealing with the circumstance when an 'air-stroke' is played as time is called. (Yes, this did happen in 2015.)

The new regulations also incorporate the following new Laws variations which have been approved by the CA Council

  • Updated to reflect the ILC's official ruling on Law 53(b)(3).
  • Updated to reflect the modifications made to the trial system for AC doubles calculations.
  • A new ruling to extend the State of the Game information to include the double-banked game equipment. This is to assist players with a colour vision deficiency.
  • The trial of Sequence Umpires in GC extended until further notice.

There have been a very large number of minor changes made to improve clarity or to remove typographical or grammatical errors.


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