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National Croquet Day was an Outstanding Success

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by Brian Wilson
13th June 2016 (CqE Official News)

The sun shone, the greens looked inviting, the welcome was warm - no wonder that clubs are telling us about their successes on National Croquet Day (NCD). Whether clubs highlighted croquet as a competitive sport, as a game everyone can play, or just wanted to show croquet in its true light - one thing is certain NCD was an outstanding success

Clubs took the opportunity to showcase croquet and their club. All the hard work by the many unsung heroes paid off. Their dedication made sure that NCD was a special occasion, one that attracted many visitors and new members. It is clear that both croquet as a sport and individual clubs benefited from NCD. So heartfelt thanks to all those who made sure that NCD went so well.

Here's some of the feedback from Clubs (keep it coming!!):

'It was a fab day, we will definitely be doing it next year' -' visitors were interested in trying croquet plus the wine and asparagus!' - 'we had 48 visitors' - 'a successful day of fun and interest for all' - 'NCD gave us the opportunity for more promotion' - 'I was interviewed by local BBC who produced a fabulous trailer, we had 30 visitors' - ' we got copy in local free magazines and 30+ people turned up' - 'we had a Crazy Croquet Day with lots of visitors throughout the day' - 'we are a small village club, but we attracted some 40 visitors' - 'the pre-event (3 months) publicity efforts paid off' - 'a great advert for the club and croquet' - 'we had fantastic response, people took up their Croquet Experience and a cream tea!'

Finally, a number of clubs paid their thanks to the CA for all its hard work. Speaking personally, I want to thank the CA Marketing Team, CA Management at Cheltenham plus Chris Roberts, for all their hard work, often against very short deadlines. Without their dedication, NCD would not have got off the ground and certainly would not have been such a success

Well done everyone - Brian Wilson (Chair CA Marketing Committee)


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