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Lionel Tibble won the GC Open Singles Championship at Cheltenham

[<<] [>>] by Kevin Ham at Cheltenham CC
5 Jun 2016 (GC)

Lionel Tibble won the Cheltenham qualifier of the Ascot Cup without dropping a game. This heat was contested by twenty six players in four blocks. Though the first round was double banked, to get most people underway. The rest of Saturday's block play was single banked, making full use of the eight lawns available for the competition. My thanks are due to Ivor Brand who acted as Deputy Tournament Manager for the Black and Yellow blocks.

The quarter finalists were determined by teatime after five rounds of play, and the corresponding games played out on Saturday.

There were two retirees overnight, and I would like to thank Graham Good for accepting the invitation to move from the bowl to the losing quarter finalists, removing the need for byes.

In the final Lionel Tibble beat Mark Daley 7-2, 7-3, from Northampton and Dulwich respectively. In addition to the engraved wine glass for the winner. Lionel had achieved sufficient points to move from a handicap of -3 to -4.

The plate was won by Chris Roberts,and the bowl by John Wells. The weather was bright and sunny, ideal for croquet. The lawns were good and the hoops firm, at a fitting standard for the British Open Championship to be played here in a months time.

Final thanks to the external caters for the excellent lunches and club members for the delicious cakes at tea time.


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