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Roehampton beat Hurlingham 6-1

[<<] [>>] by Peter Siddall at Roehampton Club
1 Jul 2016 (AC - Mary Rose)


Hurlingham: Alan Chance 0, Veronica Carlisle 3, Hugh Carlisle 3.5 and John Culhane 4.5.

Roehampton: Douglas Gurney 0, Peter Siddall 0.5, David Mooney 1, John Pearson 3.

First Round

Gurmey and Siddall beat Chance and Mrs V Carlisle +6T
Mooney beat Culhane +1
Pearson beat H Carlisle +1T

Second Round

Chance beat Gurney +11
Siddall beat Mrs V Carlisle +6
Mooney beat H Carlisle +6
Pearson beat Culhane +18

The match was played in showery and at times blustery weather. In contrast the matches were played in a good spirit and competitive. The results reflected the differences in the handicaps of the players.


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