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Nottingham beat Chester 4-0

[<<] [>>] by Martin Beacon at Nottingham
9 Jul 2016 (AC - Mary Rose)

Nottingham CC beat Chester CC 4-0 at Nottingham.


Omied Hallam beat Mark Lloyd 26tp - 9
Beatrice McGlen beat Elmyr Hughes 26 - 22
Arthur Rowe beat Jerry Guest 26 - 16
Ian Draper beat John Dawson 26 - 18

All lawns had substantial standing water on them at 10.30 hrs. When the the rain stopped and after players and 'staff' did sterling work clearing the puddles, two lawns were playable at 11.45 and 12.00.

Given the late start, plus the possibility of more rain in the late afternoon, it was decided to play the 4 afternoon singles first to give the teams a better chance of a achieving an acceptable winning result. As Nottingham won all four matches it was decided the remaining matches were not to be contested.


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