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East Dorset beat Woking 5-2

[<<] [>>] by David Williams at East Dorset CC
14 Aug 2016 (AC - Mary Rose)


William Ormerod 0/David Kendrick 0 lost to Andrew Dutton 1.5/Alan Edwards 1.5 - 5
Anthony Dix 2 beat Bill Wood-Roe 3 +1
David Williams 2lost to Ian Anderson 3 -23

William Ormerod beat Andrew Dutton +7
David Kendrick beat Alan Edwards +11
Anthony Dix beat Ian Anderson +9
David Williams beat Bill Wood-Roe +2

Woking led 2-1 after the morning session and looked in a strong position to take the match 4-3 by mid afternoon, but as the lawns sped up in the heat of the day the East Dorset team managed to win all of their games to gain the win.


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