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Hunstanton beat Bath 4-3

[<<] [>>] by David Haslam at Wrest Park
1st September 2016 (AC - Secretary's Shield)

Wrest Park kindly hosted the semi-final between Bath and Hunstanton and provided fairly quick lawns which played accurately. The match, as expected, was a close run affair with the outcome being decided by the very last stroke of the final game. When Bath were one hoop behind with time imminent Norman Connor left a ball in front of a hoop ready to score the equalising hoop. However, Charles Ostler had other ideas and successfully roqued with a long hit in and then proceeded to leave the four balls widely separated. Most of the other games were also fiercely contested, the exception being the doubles in which the Hunstanton team had a comfortable win. The best thing of the day was the spirit and friendliness shown by all players.

Bath team:
Paul Francis (4.5), Norman Connor (10), Philip de Glanville (10) , Bob Hart (12)

Hunstanton Team:
Mike Bowser (2.5), Charles Ostler (6), Peter Brown (12), David Haslam (14)

Results (Bath names first)
P Francis and N Connor lost to M Bowser and C Ostler - 22
P de Glanville beat D Haslam +1 OT
B Hart lost to P Brown -3 OT
P Francis beat M Bowser +7
N Connor lost to C Ostler -1 OT
P de Glanville lost to P Brown -18
B Hart beat D Haslam +3 OT


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