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Jonathan Lambton Won the Wrest Park September Handicap Tournament

[<<] [>>] by Geoff Strutt at Wrest Park
24-25 Sep 2016 (AC - Handicap)

Jonathan Lambton of Watford won the Wrest Park September Handicap with an Egyptian rating of 61, having won all but one of his matches [4 out of 5]. He was closely followed by Tony Elliott with a rating of 60 [also 4 out of 5]. Geoff Strutt came third in this event; but in the knockout succeeded by beating Tony Elliott +1 in the final. The knockout draw was embedded within the Egyptian - with all games counting in the main event.

The handicaps ranged from -½ to 14. 32 matches were played with no time limits and the manager only resorted to Wharrad turns for two of them. However, even these two completed within 5 turns of the imposition.

On the first day, Geoff Strutt managed to produce an air shot when attempting the peg out at a distance of about 2 inches. Is this a record?

On day two, David Marsh [-½] came back from the dead against Bryan Harral [0] to lose by just 1 point. Our visitors said that the lawns are now 'excellent'.


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