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Dave Gunn Appointed as National Development Officer

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pictureDave Gunn enjoys some spring sunshine before signing his contract (Photo: Ian Vincent)

by Dr Ian Vincent
30th March 2017 (CqE Official News)

The Croquet Association has appointed Dave Gunn to the part-time role of National Development Officer, for a period of two years starting on 6th April. Formerly employed by IBM, Dave will continue to work for a local charity and is currently Chairman of the Nottingham Croquet Club.

He will work from home and report to the Chairman of the Management Committee, liaising with Club, Federation and the Marketing, Development and Coaching Committees and in particular the Federation Development Officers, to understand and help address their needs. His main focus will be on sharing best practices, along with developing and supporting new initiatives, for the recruitment and retention of competitive club members.

If you have initiatives that you think might benefit from his involvement, please contact him on 07710 981561 or email


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