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Report on Budleigh Salterton B-Level Advanced Tournament

[<<] [>>] by Julie Horsley at Budleigh Salterton
23rd April 2017 (AC)

21 TO 23 APRIL 2017

There was a tie for first place with Chris Donovan (Sidmouth CC) and David Warhurst (High Wycombe CC) both with 8 wins out of 9.
On "Who beat Whom" Chris was the winner and David the runner-up.

David obtained his Gold merit award for his first Triple Peel in a CA Tournament and a handicap reduction from 3 to 2.5.

In Third place was Tony Bower (Budleigh Salterton CC) with 6 wins out of 7.

The prize for the Fastest Game went to Peter Nelson (Sidmouth CC).


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