Nottingham lost to Pinchbeck 2-5
[<<] [>>] by Robert Thompson
at Nottingham CC
7 Jun
2017 (AC - Mary Rose)
At Nottingham on Wednesday 7th June 2017
Pinchbeck beat Nottingham 5-2
Adrian Kirby (-0.5) & Bob Thompson (2) beat Martin Beacon (1) & Dave Gunn (1.5) +2
Mike Bowser (3) beat Michael Finnigan (3) +3
Terrey Sparks (2) lost to Ian Draper (2.5) -5
Afternoon games
Adrian beat Dave +8
Bob lost to Martin -10
Mike beat Ian +22
Terrey beat Michael +8
Adrian had only just achieved his minus grading within the last week and was still eligible to play.