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Surbiton beat Hurlingham 8-0

[<<] [>>] by Chris Farthing at Surbiton
16 Jul 2017 (AC - Inter-Club)

Surbiton comfortably continued their defence of the AC Inter-Club Championship with an 8-0 drubbing of Hurlingham.

A best-of-9 format was agreed by the team captains, with the doubles being kept until last if necessary. About half of the games were played as super-advanced. Lawns 4-6 at Surbiton were used, the middle of which provided significantly more of a challenge than the other two, following relaying last winter.

In the morning games Chris Farthing and Harry Fisher won quickly for Surbiton against Hugh Carlisle and Alan Chance respectively, both with triples. Dayal Gunasekera had a first ball round against Samir Patel but Samir then took control before breaking down on a delayed triple. Dayal didn't take advantage and Samir finished soon after. The most interactive game of the day saw George Noble beat Alan Chance in a game which could have easily gone the other way.

After a surbitonic lunch, another quick triple from Harry sealed the match win for Surbiton and George soon followed suit. With the match won, Samir pushed the boat out on his sextuple attempt, which was recovered from being seriously delayed to requiring a straight double finish. One poor rush put paid to the sextuple but didn't prolong the game by long. With the added pressure which comes when a clean sweep looms, as well as the trickiness of lawn 5, the final game was a rough affair with Chris beating Alan by 16.

Full results

Event AC Inter-Club: Surbiton vs Hurlingham

Date 16-16.7.17

1 Samir Patel beat Dayal Gunasekera +17
2 Chris Farthing beat Hugh Carlisle +26TP
3 Harry Fisher beat Mark Ormerod +20TP
4 George Noble beat Alan Chance +5
5 Harry Fisher beat Dayal Gunasekera +26TP
6 George Noble beat Hugh Carlisle +25TP
7 Samir Patel beat Mark Ormerod +24
8 Chris Farthing beat Alan Chance +16


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