Bristol lost to Watford 1-4
[<<] [>>] by Simon Hathrell
at Bristol
19 Jul
2017 (AC - Mary Rose)
Watford vs Bristol
19th July 2017 at Bristol
Result: Watford beat Bristol 4-1
Teams & handicaps:
Brian Havill (1)
Gary Bennett (1.5)
Alan Clark (1.5)
Geoff Johnson (3)
Bob Scott (3.5)
Richard Williamson (3.5)
Eric Soakell (4)
Frances Ransom (4.5)
Scores (Watford names first):
Brian Havill & Gary Bennett beat Bob Scott & Richard Williamson +11
Alan Clark beat Frances Ransom +11
Geoff Johnson beat Eric Soakell +2
Brian Havill vs. Bob Scott unfinished
Alan Clark beat Eric Soakell +14
Gary Bennett lost to Richard Williamson -5
Geoff Johnson vs. Frances Ransom unfinished