AGM Notice and Voting
[<<] [>>] by Dr Ian Vincent
19th September 2017
(CqE Official News)
The Annual General Meeting of the Croquet Association will take place at the Hurlingham Club on Saturday 21st October 2017 commencing at 11.00 a.m.
1.Apologies For Absence
2.Minutes of the AGM held on Saturday 22nd October 2016
The minutes are on the website at and will be sent to Home Members on request to the CA Office.
3.Report Of Council
The Chairman of Council, Brian Shorney, will present Council's annual report. There will be an opportunity to ask questions.
4.Accounts For the Year to December 2016 and Hon. Treasurer's Report
The accounts are on the website at and will be sent to Home Members on request to the CA Office. There is a commentary on them at
5.Motion To Amend the Constitution
Currently, the Constitution requires that the chairmen of committees appointed by Council must be members of Council. Council, on the recommendation of its Governance Working Party, would like that restriction to be relaxed, to widen the field from which committee chairmen can be drawn. It therefore proposes:
that in the first paragraph of Clause 25 of the Constitution, which currently reads:
"The Council may appoint committees and sub-committees consisting of members of the Council and other Individual Members and may delegate some of its powers and duties to such committees. The Chairman of such a committee shall always be a member of the Council and the Council shall have the power to elect and remove him and to withdraw the powers delegated to a committee."
the words "be a member of the Council" shall be replaced by "be a member of the Association".
Individual Associates may vote electronically on the website, by post, or at the meeting; Clubs may vote by post or, with a letter authorising their representative, at the meeting. The postal ballot paper may be downloaded from Votes in advance of the meeting must be received by 11th October. A 6 to 4 majority of those voting in both constituencies is required.
6.Election Of Hon. Secretary
Dr. I. G. Vincent offers himself for re-election and is the only nomination.
7.Election Of Hon. Treasurer
Mr. P. J. Death offers himself for re-election and is the only nomination.
8.Election Of Independent Examiner
Marian Hemsted does not seek re-election, having decided to retire after many years service. A successor is being sought.
9.Election Of Council Members
The following members of Council retire by rotation and seek re-election under clause 18 (a)(i): Bill Arliss and Roger Staples, who were elected in 2014. No other candidates have been nominated, so there are 2 candidates for 2 vacancies and there will not be a contested election.
10.Benefactors' Book
The names of benefactors will be read.
11.Presentation Of Trophies for the Most Improved Players
Apps Memorial Bowl: Andy Myers (Aldermaston); Steel Memorial Bowl: Louise Bradforth (Bath and Cheltenham); Spiers Trophy: Paul Gunn (Wingrave).
12.Presentation Of Club Awards
The Townsend Award is to be presented to Cheam Croquet Club, the Apps-Heley Award jointly to Bath and Wrest Park Croquet Clubs, and the Millennium Award to the Sussex County Croquet Club.
13.Presentation Of Croquet Association Diplomas
14.Presentation Of Council Medal
The Council Medal is to be awarded to Martin French.
15.Any Other Business
16.President's Closing Remarks