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Report of AGM and Council Meeting

[<<] [>>] by Dr Ian Vincent
24th October 2017 (CqE Official News)


More than seventy members attended the Annual General Meeting of the Association, held at Hurlingham on Saturday, 21st October, a blustery day, though the showers held off while Liz Larsson brought the trophies in from her car and their recipients were photographed with them afterwards.

Council's report was presented by its Chairman, Brian Shorney, at the end of his first year in post. He reported on a busy year, with much activity behind the scenes, preparing for membership and possible organisational changes, the latter motivated by the membership expansion and a desire to increase efficiency and meet modern standards of governance. Safeguarding policy had been reviewed and a policy on equality and fair play had been drafted.

The quinquennial survey of croquet players had been designed by Kevin Carter and had just been launched on the website [it also appears in the centre-fold of this issue of the Gazette]. Clubs are asked to encourage all their members to complete it.

He acknowledged the work of the many volunteers who had served the CA over the year, both as committee members and in other roles, and noted the retirements of Terrey Sparks, Carol McCloughlan, Marian Hemsted, Bob Whitaker and Ian Burridge. He also singled out the work done to raise the profile of the sport by John Dawson and his team at the Countryfile show. One of croquet's strengths is the number of talented people with a wealth of experience who play it and its future depends on identifying and encouraging them to contribute.

Time didn't allow him to cover other aspects of the report, but he concluded with personal thanks for the support given by Liz Larsson and her staff in the Office, the Executive Committee and the President.

Questions focused on the issues of the level and investment of reserves, for which an ethical policy was requested, and the difficulty some clubs experienced in encouraging their members to sign up for Standard membership. Its unclear whether the President had storm Brian on his mind by warning of possible storms ahead when winding up the discussion!

In presenting his Treasurer's report, Peter Death noted that the accounts ran to the end of 2016, so did not show the changes that had taken place this year. Individual subscriptions had been reduced, sales to non-members had increased following the launch of the new shop website, staffing costs had increased and a National Development Officer had been appointed, all of which would reduce our reserves. He particularly thanked Marian Hemsted for having examined the accounts and expressed regret that she had finally decided to hang up her red pen, having also marked the work of at least two of his predecessors. David Boxell, treasurer of the Hunstanton club, was appointed to succeed her.

The amendment to the constitution to remove the restriction that only members of Council could chair committees was agreed nem. con.

The President came to the front of the table to present Andy Myers, Louise Bradforth and Paul Gunn with the most improved player awards, representatives of Cheam, Bath, Wrest Park and Sussex County with club awards, the diplomas and the council medal to Martin French.

During AOB Dave Kibble and Linda Shaw were congratulated on their forthcoming marriage and ideas for handicapping predominantly GC players in AC one-ball tournaments were requested.

In his closing remarks, which took less time than the record for completing a triple peel, Quiller Barrett encouraged us to consider how to increase diversity among the participants in our sport; gave his view that his role was to provide a balance between members and the administration of the Association; and offered to assist Mr. David Beckham with his new court!


Discussion of the interim report of the Governance Working Party took up a large part of the afternoon Council meeting. In outline its long term recommendations are that Council should be replaced by a significantly smaller Policy and Scrutiny Board, and the Management Committee by a smaller Executive Team. There would be two groups of working committees, one dealing with matters specific to croquet and the other with more general organisational issues. The committees in each group would report to a director on the Executive Team, who would co-ordinate their work. Inevitably, the devil is in the detail, but the recommendations were approved as a basis for consultation after further refinement and discussion at a future Council meeting. Some interim and transitional changes to Council's Standing Orders and Practice Book were agreed to take immediate effect.

Sarah Hayes was elected to chair the Coaching Committee (the first non-member of Council to do so), John Dawson Publishing and Stephen Mulliner GC Rules. All committee chairmen were asked to put the issue of performance metrics on their agendas and the tournament committees were asked to consider amending the tournament regulations to cover behavioural issues and ensuring that allocation dates were set.

The constitutional changes agreed at the March 2015 AGM are to take effect from 1st January next year, thus enabling the introduction of Standard Membership.

Consideration of the draft equality policy was deferred but revised conditions for awarding the Council Medal were agreed.

Dave Gunn's work as National Development Officer was noted; Ian Burridge was thanked for his spell as the first AC International Performance Director; and Lionel Tibble for organising the first junior summer school.

Finally, a couple of urgent issues were raised under AOB, including the parlous state of the West Midlands Federation.


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