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The Resort Eights - final list of players

[<<] [>>] by Tremaine Arkley
14th August 2002 (International)

The Resort Eights Invitational will take place September 4-8 in Oregon.

The format is double round-robin singles no time limit. The top four finishers in the block of eight will play for the prize monies in best of three matches. 1st vs. 2nd, $1500.00 and $1000.00 and 3rd vs. 4th $600.00 & $400.00.

This is the 6th year this event has been held. The player's invited are provided full room and board and a small travel allowance.

Robin Brown - England
Matt Burrow - Jersey
Bob Cherry - USA
Martin Clarke - Australia
Curtis Drake - USA
Mark McInerney - Ireland
David Openshaw - England
Mark Suter - South Africa

As in the past I will accept, via email, predictions for the finish of all eight players. The prizes will come from our larder and art collection.

If no one can predict the correct finish I may award the prizes if someone is quite close. I am the final judge and will be fair as we do have a lot of stuff in our larder this year as it remains a bountiful harvest in 2002.

The contest ends when the first ball is hit September 4.


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