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Newport lost to Colchester 3-4

[<<] [>>] by Andrew Gregory at Newport
15 May 2018 (AC - Mary Rose)

Tuesday 15th May at Newport

Mary Rose: Colchester beat Newport 4-3

A lovely sunny day greeted the Essex rivals. Colchester's aggregate handicap was 4 compared to Newport's 10, but 3 Newport players are up-and-coming chaps, and the match proved to be close. Home advantage helped Dan Neale to a quick win, but James Brind failed to negotiate a straight rover peel and Colin Hemming calmly capitalised. Thus at lunchtime we reached the archetypal score in such matches: 1-1 and a dire game of doubles pegged down on lawn 2.

In the afternoon the 2 singles on lawn 1 were again shared, and Rich Waterman comfortably beat Andrew Gregory. This left the two number ones, and Cesar Miranda's shooting saw him home against Nick Steiner.

By now it was nearly 6pm - I think we tarried over the excellent lunch cooked by Fran Lambert. We had to resume the doubles, and extrapolating from the morning an 8pm time limit seemed prudent. In fact Colchester had now got used to the lawns, and in the first turn of the resumption Nick Steiner played a neat 3-ball break to the peg. Shortly after Rich did likewise to win the competitive but friendly match.

(Newport names first)

Dan Neale beat Jeff Farrington +25
James Brind lost to Colin Hemming -3

Dan Neale beat Colin Hemming +14
James Brind lost to Jeff Farrington -13
Andrew Gregory lost to Rich Waterman -17
Cesar Miranda beat Nick Steiner +14

Cesar & Andrew lost to Nick & Rich -11


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