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Wrest Park beat Letchworth 5-2

[<<] [>>] by John Bevington at Wrest Park
2 Jun 2018 (AC - Mary Rose)

Mary Rose 2018
Saturday 2 June at Wrest Park
Wrest Park beat Letchworth 5-2

Bryan Harral (0) & George Collin (1.5) beat David Tutt (0.5) & Keith Rhodes (2.5) +9
John Bevington (1.5) beat Heather Bennett (3.5) +9
David Morgans (3.5) beat Ian Mantle (3) +21

Bryan Harral beat David Tutt +18
George Collin beat Keith Rhodes +16
John Bevington lost to Ian Mantle -16
David Morgans lost to Heather Bennett -16

David Morgans, a new member having moved south from Shropshire, got things started with a win against Ian Mantle. Wrest Park won the doubles and went into lunch 3-0 up after John Bevington, on rover and peg, was able to take advantage of a rare but expensive miss from Heather after 2-back, conceding a lift with the balls usefully placed.

The top singles had moments to savour. David Tutt opened with white to corner 4. Bryan played pink (!) and went off the south boundary just east of A baulk. David then took croquet from the replaced correct ball, turning down the rush on offer. George, who had been hitting everything, had black on peg and was using it to try an angled penult peel on blue. Red was near the peg. The peel attempt put blue into the jaws of penult (OK so far), but black carried on to roquet red. This would have been all very well but for the fact that the roquet had been made via the peg.

David had been warned about Heather's accuracy but it didn't help him, and John exhausted the repertoire of unforced errors when he played the wrong ball at very much the wrong time.

Weather: a glorious second of June. Lunch and tea: Sharman Harral did us proud.


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