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Men's & Women's Player Information

[<<] [>>] by David Maugham at Budleigh CC
7th June 2018 (AC - Championships)

The Mixed Doubles is a block followed by a final (or bigger KO in the case of ties). 2.5 hour time limits to fit (at least) 4 games in on Wednesday, then 2 more rounds on Thursday and the last round on Friday. KO games on Saturday and Sunday.

The Men's is Bo3/Bo5 Super Advanced. Given the entry, I am only planning on playing one round a day. The first round will be Bo3 to allow for the Mixed Doubles.

The Women's will be a block followed by a knockout. 1 round on Thursday (followed by the aforementioned Mixed Doubles), 3 on Friday, then the final round on Saturday, followed by a bo3 final on Sunday

Stephen & Alain will not be needed Thursday morning. Mark Suter won't be needed at all on Thursday, although there will be Du Pre games after the first round KO is finished.


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