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Pendle lost to Nottingham 0-5

[<<] [>>] by Dr Ian Vincent at Pendle
22nd June 2018 (AC - Mary Rose)

In the 2nd round of the Mary Rose, Nottingham were drawn against another very hospitable Northern club, on a glorious summers day. The doubles had reached an interesting pegged-out ending when lunch, with an excellent home-made apple strudel, beckoned, with the visitors 2-0 up. They eventually took three of the afternoon singles, at which point the unfinished games were abandoned.

Robert Essler & Roger Schofield v Ian Vincent & Clive Goode Abandoned

Paul Dowdall lost to Ian Draper -19

Garry Wilson lost to Dave Gunn -17

Robert Essler lost to Ian Vincent -9

Roger Schofield lost to Clive Goode -2

Paul Dowdall lost to Dave Gunn -26

Garry Wilson v Ian Draper Abandoned


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