Bristol lost to Woking 3-4
[<<] [>>] by Alan Edwards
at Bristol
12 Jul
2018 (AC - Mary Rose)
Woking beat Bristol 4-3
played at Bristol on 12th July 2018
reported by Alan Edwards
Woking names first
Alan Edwards & Nick Harvey lost to Martin Leach & Wayne Wiseman by -3T
Andrew Dutton beat Frances Ransom by +13
Bill Wood-Roe beat Richard Williamson by +1T
Nick Harvey beat Martin Leach by +3T
Alan Edwards lost to Wayne Wiseman by -15T
Andrew Dutton beat Richard Williamson by +5T
Bill Wood-Roe lost to Frances Ransom by -3T
Knowing that the lawns at Bristol were bone-dry and would provide challenging conditions, Martin and Wayne advised that we set time limits. So we agreed to set them at 3h15m and how wise they were - just one game was completed in time. Without time limits we might still be playing! In the end Woking won a very tight match with four games being won by a score of +3 on time or less.