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Edinburgh Tournament 2002 results

[<<] [>>] by Fergus McInnes
12-17 Aug 2002 (AC - Mixed)

Open Singles (The Cramond Cup): Graham Brightwell.
Advanced Play for players of handicap 4 or over (The Ian H. Wright Trophy): Peter McDermott.
Advanced with Bisques for players of handicap 8 or over (The Silver Jubilee Salver): Ruth Goudie.
Handicap for players of handicap 14 or over (The Walter B. Laing Cup): Graeme Holland.
Handicap Doubles (The Norton Wright Trophies): Ian Wright and Walter Brown.
Unrestricted Handicap, X (The Edinburgh Croquet Cup): David Tester.
Unrestricted Handicap, Swiss (The Milne Trophy): Rodney Parkins.
The Lauder Bowl (player getting furthest without winning an event): Rod Williams.

Handicap Changes

Jeffery Billing: from 5 to 6
Graham Brightwell: from 2 to 1.5
Joe Henderson: from 18 to 20
Graeme Holland: from 20 to 18 [he gave his starting handicap as 24, but played off 20 since the SCA does not recognise higher handicaps]
Peter McDermott: from 4.5 to 4
Jim Penny: from 12 to 14
David Tester: from 4.5 to 4
Jamieson Walker: from 6 to 5


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