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AGM Agenda and Voting

[<<] [>>] by Dr Ian Vincent at Hurlingham
20 Oct 2018 (CqE Official News)

Notice of Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Croquet Association will take place at the Hurlingham Club on Saturday 20th October 2018 commencing at 11.00 a.m.


  1. Apologies for Absence.
  2. Minutes of the AGM held on Saturday 21st October 2017.

The minutes are on the website and will be sent to Home Members on request to the CA Office.

  1. Report of Council.

The Chairman of Council, Brian Shorney, will present Council's annual report. There will be an opportunity to ask questions.

  1. Governance Proposals.

A proposal to change the role and reduce the size of Council, as outlined in the August 2018 edition of the Croquet Gazette, will be open to discussion prior to the Council meeting which is expected to consider it.

  1. Accounts for the year to December 2017 and Hon. Treasurer's Report.

The accounts are on the website and will be sent to Home Members on request to the CA Office. There is a commentary on them.

  1. Election of Hon. Secretary.

Dr. I. G. Vincent offers himself for re-election and is the only nomination.

  1. Election of Hon. Treasurer.

Mr. P. J. Death offers himself for re-election and is the only nomination.

  1. Election of Independent Examiner.

David Boxell is willing to continue as the Independent Examiner.

  1. Election of Council Members.

The following members of Council retire by rotation and seek re-election under clause 18 (a)(i): John Bowcott, Tim King and Brian Wilson, who were elected in 2015. In addition, Sam Murray, Chris Roberts and Elizabeth Williams have been duly proposed and seconded and are willing to stand, so there are 6 candidates for 6 vacancies and there will not be a contested election.

  1. Proposal to elect Patricia Duke-Cox as a Vice President.

Council has proposed that Patricia Duke-Cox, a past Chairman of Council and currently Chairman of the Federation of East Midlands Croquet Clubs, be elected a Vice-President of the Association under clause 17(b) of the constitution. The proposal is subject to a postal or electronic vote under clause 19.

Individual Members may vote electronically on the CA Website, by post, or at the meeting. The postal ballot paper may be downloaded. Votes before the meeting must be received by the CA Office no later than 10th October.

  1. Benefactors' Book.

The names of benefactors will be read.

  1. Presentation of Trophies for the Most Improved Players.

Apps Memorial Bowl: Chris Coull (Sussex County); .Steel Memorial Bowl: Sarah Melvin (Dyffryn); Spiers Trophy: Richard Bilton (Nottingham).

  1. Presentation of Coach of the Year and Lifetime Coaching Award.

The 2017 Coach of the Year award is to be presented to Roger Mills (Sidmouth). A lifetime coaching award is to be presented to Ian Plummer (Oxford University and Surbiton).

  1. Presentation of Croquet Association Diplomas.
  2. Presentation of Council Medals.

Council Medals are to be awarded to Jeff Dawson and Michael Hague.

  1. Any Other Business.
  2. President's Closing Remarks.


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