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2018 Council Medal Awards - Jeff Dawson

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pictureJeff Dawson

by John Dawson
17th September 2018 (CqE Official News)

Jeff Dawson

Jeff Dawson has contributed hugely to the administration of the sport of croquet over many years. He has been a member of Council since 2003, chaired it from 2012-14, and has chaired the Management, Marketing and AC Laws Committees. This year Jeff has served on our Publishing, ICT, Laws and International committees. He ran the CA Shop from his garage for seven years before it moved to Cheltenham.

For many years Jeff has been an Examining Referee, running courses at various clubs in the South East Federation.

However, Jeff's outstanding contribution has been in the field of membership administration, both its policy and implementation. He inspired, and guided through Council and a Special General Meeting, the change to enlarge the CA's national membership to include all members of its member clubs. Having nursed the membership database used in the CA Office for many years, he has been actively involved in the project to replace it, and in the process of uploading and importing details of the new members.


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