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Surbiton beat Bowdon to win the Inter-Club Final 6-1

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pictureSurbiton Croquet Club being presented the Beddow Cup by Quiller Barrett (Photo: David Walters)

by Sam Murray at Surbiton
7th October 2018 (AC - Inter-Club)

Surbiton met Bowdon on a fine day at Surbiton, dodging the very wet weather of the previous day. Surbiton fielded four-time world champion Reg Bamford, together with England test captain Samir Patel. All the morning games began in scrappy and interactive fashion, but Surbiton's line-up proved too strong in the end, and they took a 3-0 lead at lunch time.

In the afternoon, Chris Farthing had another interactive game against Martin Granger-Brown, whilst Patel secured victory over Colin Irwin with a quadruple peel, and Sam Murray completed a sixth turn triple peel against Brian Kerr.

That left David Walters fighting for some pride for Bowdon against Bamford. With both players having taken a ball to 4b, Walters cornered from Bamford's leave. The latter could not get his triple underway, so Walters had a 'final' lift. This he hit, but stuck in 1. When Bamford missed, Walters took his 4b ball to the peg, and pegged-out Bamford's forward ball. Bamford hit, but missed his return roquet after 4b, and Walters held his nerve to construct a three ball break to finish, and earn a point for Bowdon.

This was a third successive inter-club win for Surbiton. The considerable volunteer help for finals weekend received due thanks, and CA President Quiller Barrett presented the trophy, detailing its long and interesting history.

Reg Bamford & Samir Patel beat Colin Irwin & David Walters +16 TP(P)
Chris Farthing beat Brian Kerr +8
Sam Murray beat Martin Granger-Brown +24

Reg Bamford lost to David Walters -3
Samir Patel beat Colin Irwin +19 QP
Sam Murray beat Brian Kerr +25 TP
Chris Farthing beat Martin Granger-Brown +16


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