Guilford & Godalming Handicap Tournament
[<<] [>>] by Russell Bretherton
7-8 Sep
2002 (AC - Handicap)
Entry of nine, with handicaps ranging from 14 to 3½. Local boy Mike "bridge management of perception" Huxley retained the cup, with 6 wins and no losses.
Having to retire before prize giving, runner-up R Bretherton 3-1, could not collect his £5 in brown envelope. It went instead to 3rd place M Winn-Smith 3-2, who will return it to its rightful owner at a date TBA. This youthful ex-Plummer's babe though hitherto unseen (at least by the assistant manager) on the tournament circuit, displayed some silky strokes, swirling rushes, and proved most informative about the early croquet years of several of our rising players.
Mr Knapp's expert management, good weather and fungi filled fields unconnected to the "out of this world" play observed - many games ending +1 on time.
M Huxley 6-0
R Bretherton 3-1
M Winn-Smith 3-2
S Hewitt 3-3
M Mander 2-3
A Dix 2-3
J Bee 1-3
Mrs Lewis 1-3
D Knapp 1-4
Manager: Dick Knapp
Assistant manager: Russell Bretherton