Special General Meeting - Agenda and Voting Information
[<<] [>>] by Dr Ian Vincent
at Hurlingham
24th February 2019
(CqE Official News)
Notice of Meeting
A Special General Meeting of the Croquet Association will take place at the Hurlingham Club on Saturday 30th March 2019 commencing at 11.15 a.m.
Motion, proposed on behalf of the Council by John Bowcott (Chairman), seconded by John Dawson (Vice-Chairman):
"That the Croquet Association Constitution be amended as shown in https://www.croquet.org.uk/?d=2252"
Notes to the Agenda
A clean version of the Constitution with the proposed amendments applied can be downloaded. Printed copies can be requested by Home Members from the CA Office.
The purpose of the amendments is to improve the governance of the Association, by reducing the size of the Council and clarifying its role. As a consequence, the way in which its members are elected would change. Background information about the proposed changes can be found in an article in the February issue of the Croquet Gazette. A page containing replies to any frequently asked questions about them may be published on the website.
Individual Members of all classes, including Standard members (those who have been registered as members of the Association by their club), can vote electronically on the website or by returning this ballot paper by post beforehand, or in person at the meeting. Postal votes must arrive at the CA Office no later than 20th March, which is also the closing date for electronic voting.
The motion requires a 6 to 4 majority of Individual Members voting.
Dr. I. G. Vincent, Hon. Secretary.