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CA Tournament Regulations - the changes for 2019

[<<] [>>] by Samir Patel
1st March 2019 (CqE Official News)

The Tournament Regulations have been published for the 2019 playing season. There are a wide range of changes and players, event organisers, tournament secretaries and event officials (directors, managers, handicappers and referees) are all advised to familiarise themselves with the changes, and the relevant section in particular.

The full text can be found here.

The principal changes made since the 2018 edition are as follows:

  • I(b)(8): Ranking defined to refer to Dynamic Grade for AC, and CGS Grade for GC. A number of consequent simplifications are made throughout the Regulations.
  • I(c): Amended to clarify that a tournament's special conditions may amend certain Tournament Regulations.
  • C2(b)(5) and C3(a)(3)(B): References to GC A, B and C series removed from definition of first-class events. Entry conditions will instead be defined within the relevant Calendar Fixture.
  • C3: Procedures for Dealing with Entries amended to provide two priority U21 places, and make it easier for clubs to regularise other priority groups they may wish to have for club events.
  • F1(a)(1): Seeding should generally use the latest ranking list available. Other methods to determine seeding should be specified in the Calendar Fixture entry.
  • F2(e)(4)(C) and (D): Modifications to remove some anomalies discovered during the 2018 season.
  • H1(a): The requirement to play off the correct handicap has been extended to all tournaments. Note also the requirement of H1(e) that players may not play off an incorrect handicap in order to gain entry into a handicap-restricted event.
  • H1(c), H2(b) and P5: Handicap changes are no longer to be reported to the CA office by the Tournament Handicapper. Instead, players should update their own handicaps.
  • H1(e): Removal of the default maximum handicap limit for AC events, although individual events may still specify a maximum. Players may not play off an assumed handicap to bypass an handicap limit.
  • L4(d): Alternate Stroke Doubles: If a stroke is to be replayed following an interference the player who played the first stroke in error plays the replayed stroke. The variation remains available for all doubles games.
  • L8: Video Refereeing trial has been extended indefinitely for all Calendar Fixtures
  • M1(c) and P4(a): Dusk is now defined more precisely as Civil Dusk (the point generally recognised as when artificial light is required for outdoor activity, and loosely approximating to the time after which the use of car headlights is mandatory)
  • M1(d) and P4(e): Practice is now renamed 'Warm Up' in line with international practice. Restrictions on hoop running during this period remain.
  • O(d): The powers and duties of the Tournament Director have been set out in greater detail. The remainder of this section has been reformatted to improve clarity.
  • P1(a)(3): Updated to reflect the new CA membership model. Teams must be Full Member Clubs of the CA, and players must be Individual Members of the CA and playing members of the club they are representing.
  • P5(a)(3): Updated to confirm that any format of handicap card is permitted, provided that a player can substantiate their handicap to the Tournament Handicapper.
  • R2(d), R3(d) and T4(b): Updated to reflect the new GC Rules (rule numbers and terminology), and latest WCF Refereeing Regulations. The substantive change is that players should be forestalled prior to a wrong ball error, rather than afterwards.
  • T2(c): Guidance added about the circumstances when time should be paused
  • Appendix 1(a)(5): The use of corner pegs and half-way markers is expected for all Championship events and recommended for all Calendar Fixtures.
  • Appendix 2: Holders of CA Trophies are to ensure that these are returned to the CA Office for engraving two months before the event is held the following year.

A number of other changes have also been made for clarity or to remove typographic or formatting errors, but without any change of intent.

As always, comments, suggestions, or questions, about the Tournament Regulations are welcome. The Regulations are 'owned' by the AC Tournament Committee, but are developed in conjunction with many other CA committees, including the GC Tournament Committee, International Committee, AC Laws, GC Rules, Handicap, Coaching, Equipment and the CA Office. You can contact Samir Patel (details available to CA members in the directory) or the relevant committee chair.


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