Omied Hallam Won the Woking Advanced Handicap
[<<] [>>] by Sara Anderson
at Woking
28 Apr
2019 (AC - Handicap)
This was the first time we have hosted a Flexible Swiss Advanced Handicap Tournament and it was a great success .
Storm Hannah was not helpful to players on Saturday with its gusty cold winds, but fortunately the rain avoided Woking LTCC.
Handicaps varied from 11 to -1.5 with most player playing between 6 to 8 games.
Omied Hallam (-1) Won the Tournament with Alison Maugham (-1)runner-up.
This was the first ever tournament for three Woking Players (Colin Groves , Mark Pearce and Andy Kelson) who all played extremely well with 4, 3, and 2 wins respectively.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back next year with hopefully some more new faces.