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Colchester Spring Weekend Handicap Tournament

[<<] [>>] by Nicholas Steiner at Colchester
20 May 2019 (AC - Handicap)

David Wicks won the singles event (The John Foreman cup). Georgeen Hemming & Al Brown won the doubles at Colchester Croquet club.

The format was one full day of doubles, followed by 2 days playing singles.

There were only four pairs entered for the doubles this year, giving time to play three full games with 23/4 hour time limits. Al and Georgeen won easily and only lost their last game because Al left before the end

Twelve competitors entered the singles with handicaps ranging from minus a half to 18. The format was flexible Swiss handicap. A fairly straight forward contest until the final. Both finalists with a similar style of play. Sarah playing off ten, David eleven. As time approached Sarah managed to run two hoops bringing the score level. Time was called and the crowd held their breath. First one hit across the lawn, then the other. Neither player being able to finish. At one stage David approached Rover from the south side. He realised his mistake just before his stroke. Finally David ran rover to win and we could all have a late tea.

In spite of overcast weather with intermittent light rain an enjoyable time was had by all. Good food and drink, and excellent company.



1st David Wicks 100%

2nd = Sarah Barley Jane Collier 75%


1st Georgeen Hemming & Al Brown 2 wins 1 loss

2nd Neil Chalmers & Sarah Barley 2 wins 1 loss
3rd John Andrews & Pam Denney 1 wins 2 losses


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