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East Dorset beat Hurlingham 4-2

[<<] [>>] by David Williams at East Dorset
31 May 2019 (AC - Mary Rose)

David Kendrick & Tom Weston beat Andrew Wise & Alan Chance +13
Nigel Parkins lost to Hugh Carlisle -11

David Kendrick lost to Andrew Wise -11
Tom Weston beat Alan Chance +14
David Williams beat Hugh Carlisle +15
Nigel Parkins beat Veronica Carlisle +4

With the lunchtime score at one all, Kendrick/Weston East Dorset winning the doubles +13 and Hugh Carlisle Hurlingham winning a morning singles game +11 against Nigel Parkins, we planned to use the pegged down game as a match decider should the need arise.

In the afternoon we saw Hurlingham's Andrew Wise beating David Kendrick + 11, and East Dorset's Tom Weston beating Alan Chance +14 and East Dorset's David Williams beating Hugh Carlisle.

With the match standing at 3/2 to East Dorset the game between Nigel Parkins and Veronica Carlisle had a major significance for the pegged down game particularly when Veronica looked to be in the game winning position with both clips on Rover and Nigel some way behind. However, should she win she then had to play the pegged down game against David Williams as the decider.

The afternoon drew on and with the clock approaching 7pm and the players flagging, Nigel put in a grand finish to win +4 producing a 4/2 result to East Dorset.

We at East Dorset enjoyed entertaining the Hurlingham team and were sad that they didn't have time to pick up the planned fish and chips from our local award-winning fish shop to enjoy on the way home to London in heavy Friday night traffic!

David Williams

Captain East Dorset



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