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Colchester beat Bristol to win the Inter-Club Shield 5-2

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pictureMartin Murray congratulates Michael Heap

by Robert Fulford
8th October 2002 (AC - Inter-Club)

Bristol turned up a team including a player who realised at the last minutes that they had already played for Cheltenham in an earlier round.

Martin Murray was drafted in and dashed up the motorway. Martin thought he was only marginally more legal than Louise as he is on perscribed Beta-blockers.

Bristol took the lead 2-1 after the first round of games.

Shot of the day belonged to Kibble. Clarke TPOed Kibble. Kibble made a squeeze. Clarke played a ball into corner 4 and then Kibble ran 1 and 2 in the same stroke finishing with reasonable rush on Chris's other ball to hoop 3! However Dave was hampered after 3 and never took croquet again.

In the end Fulford and Stephenson won their games fairly comfortably with Paul clinching the title for Colchester. Minutes later Michael finished his TP after Martin had broken down on his attempt.


Chris Clarke & Robert Fulford beat David Goacher & David Kibble +26TP(C)
Michael Heap lost to Roger Jenkins -12
Paul Stephenson lost to Martin Murray -24

Fulford beat Goacher +23
Clarke beat Kibble +10TPO
Heap beat Murray +11TP
Stephenson beat Jenkins +18


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