Following the government update - COBRA meeting 16/04/2020
[<<] [>>] by Roger Staples [Chair Exec Board]
17th April 2020
(CqE Official News)
Following the government update after its COBRA meeting yesterday, it has announced a 3-week extension of the national lockdown period to reduce the spread of coronavirus. The CA has already followed government advice and cancelled/ postponed its competitions programmed for May. It will shortly be reviewing the programme for June in consultation with host clubs and will post an update on the website in due course based on the official advice available at that time.
These are difficult times for everyone. Please look after yourselves and one another. We hope you will continue to support the Sport we all love. A friendly phone call can make a big difference to someone during a very boring day. The CA Shop remains open for online purchases.
Roger Staples
Coronavirus Task Force