AGM Agenda
[<<] [>>] by Ian Vincent
2nd September 2020
(CqE Official News)
The Annual General Meeting of the Croquet Association will take place by Videoconferencing on Saturday 17 October 2020, commencing at 10.00 am.
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Council have decided that the AGM will be held by videoconference, rather than as a physical meeting, this year. As a consequence, the start time has been brought forward to 10 am. The links to view and participate in the meeting will be published in a news item on the CA Website.
Individual Members wishing to vote must do so in advance of the meeting either electronically on the website, or by post with this ballot paper; it will not be possible to vote at the meeting.
Votes in advance of the meeting must be received by 7 October.
Members wishing to speak, ask questions, or introduce other business at the meeting must notify the President or Hon. Secretary by 7 October, stating the agenda item(s) for which they wish to do so.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the AGM held on Saturday 19 October 2019
The minutes are on the website and will be sent to Home Members on request to the CA Office.
3. Report of Council
The Chairman of Council, Jonathan Isaacs, will present Council's annual report, which will be published on the CA website in advance of the meeting.
4. Accounts for the year to December 2019 and Hon. Treasurer's Report
The accounts are on the website and will be sent to Home Members on request to the CA Office. There is also a commentary on them.
5. Motions to Amend the Constitution
The Council proposes to amend the constitution to change the conditions for Affiliate Club membership; reduce the quorum required for Special General Meetings; to add provisions to enable dissolution of the Association; and to correct some inconsistencies introduced by past amendments. Full details are available on the CA website and will be sent to Home Members on request to the CA Office. There is also a summary of them.
A 6 to 4 majority of those voting is required to pass these amendments.
6. Election of Hon. Secretary
Ian Vincent offers himself for re-election and is the only nomination.
7. Election of Hon. Treasurer
Ian Burridge offers himself for re-election and is the only nomination.
8. Election of Independent Examiner
David Boxell is willing to continue as the Independent Examiner.
9. Benefactors' Book
The names of the benefactors will be recited.
10. Presentation of Trophies for the Most Improved Players for 2019
Apps Memorial Bowl (AC male): Callum Johnson (York);
Steel Memorial Bowl (AC female): Sophie McGlen (Oxford & Nottingham);
Spiers Trophy (GC player): Steve Leonard (Winterborne Valley & East Dorset).
11. Presentation of Coaching Awards
Coach of the Year: Ian Shore (High Wycombe)
12. Presentation of Croquet Association Diplomas
Diplomas will be presented to the people listed here.
13. Presentation of Bernard Neal Awards
The Bernard Neal Award for Exceptional Services to Croquet is to be awarded to Peter Death and John Grimshaw.
14. Any Other Business
15. President's Closing Remarks