Dave Evans won the Surbiton Advanced Handicap (the ARK)
[<<] [>>] by Martin Burger
at Surbiton
5-6 Sep
2020 (AC - Handicap)
Format : Flexible Swiss
Players: 15
Winner : Dave Evans (6/6) runner up : Robert Upton (4/5)
The unusual circumstances of this year made the ARK a little different , though
not as much as in some places . The field was smaller than usual, partly because
there were no entries from north of the Watford Gap - though 2 from the totally different
Watford itself - and a clash with the Gilbey resulting from avoiding more local events .
Following experiments with one-day GC events , a buffet was provided using a one-way
system through the clubhouse , along with coffee and drinks . Plenty of hand
sanitiser was around . Fortunately the weather was dry throughout allowing adequate
distanced seating outside as indoor seating was not available .
As to the play , it was dominated by Dave Evans who looked unstoppable after the first
day with 4/4 and with everybody else on at least one loss . He then won another 2 games
on Sunday, and was rewarded with a cut from 5 to 3 . His last game was against another
fast-improving Surbiton member , Barry Holland (4.5) , with an interesting 2-ball finish ,
and we have hopes that these will be the next club members to progress through to A-class.
They both hit the ball very straight , have a positive approach , and are fast learning
tactics and appreciate the need to do so .
Thanks to Kitty , Monica and Chris Osmond for catering and bar .