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National AC Seniors' Championship

[<<] [>>] by Julie Horsley at Budleigh Salterton CC
14-19 Sep 2020 (AC - Mixed)

Budleigh Salterton CC hosted the 2020 National Seniors' albeit two months later than scheduled. This was the largest AC tournament to be held in this COVID year. Thanks must be given to the Budleigh Salterton club members who gave up their lawns for this to take place, putting the club before their needs, but then Budleigh has a reputation for players returning year after year. Luckily the tournament was blessed with good weather.

Due to Government and COVID restrictions the tournament could not follow its usual format and also there were not the light evenings of July. The staggered start times helped with social distancing, which was well observed. The atmosphere was very good but perhaps lacked that little extra "Buzz" when, in the past players had met in the morning for pre-match coffees and lunches on the terrace for the renewal of old friendships and the making of new ones, as there was no catering this year. The Club did, however, have an open-air bar both at lunchtime and again late afternoon which players did appreciate and which did allow a little socially distanced socializing. Hopefully, normal service will be able to be resumed next year.

The A-Class for the Trevor Williams Trophy was divided into two blocks this year.

The semi-finals being between

Block-A Winner - Jonathan Powe (Winterbourne Valley CC) and Block-B runner-up Richard Wood (Sidmouth CC).

Block-B Winner - Chris Williams (Glamorgan LTCC) and Block-A runner-up Brian Fisk.

The results were Richard Wood 6tp and Brian Fisk +3.

In the final, both players progressed well with Richard on Rover and 2-back and Brian on Peg and 4-back. Richard missed the lift shot but although Brian progressed to penult a hampered shot let Richard in again. Brian won +6.

Class-B for the Colin Hemming Trophy was again divided into two blocks - the final was between two Sidmouth players Roger Mills, the winner of Block-C and Chris Donovan, the winner of Block-D. Roger won +8.

Class-C for the de Ansorena Trophy was won by Mike Hedge with runner-up Alex McIntyre both players from Nottingham CC.

Class-D for the Nigel Graves Trophy was won by Charlie Martin (Ramsgate CC) with runner-up Jane Babbage (Sidmouth CC).

Class-E for the JEH Trophy was won by Frances Colman (Phyllis Court CC) with runner-up Philip Jones (Budleigh Salterton CC).

The Handicap Singles semi-finals were between Roger Staples (Middlesbrough CC) and Roger Mills and Chris Roberts (Phyllis Court CC) and David Buckman (Canterbury CC) with Roger Mills and Chris Roberts being the respective winners.

In the final Roger beat Chris +16.

The consolation event was won by Charlie Martin.

The Handicap Doubles final was between John Millen/David Buckman both from Canterbury CC and Andrew Killick (Middlesbrough CC ) and Bob Thompson. Andrew and Bob won +5.

Jim as usual won the fastest game and the peeling prize went to Jonathan Powe.

Before presenting the trophies, Peter Nelson, representing the CA, thanked everyone involved in organising the event in these difficult times.


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