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Covid-19 related funding opportunities

[<<] [>>] by Ian Vincent
18th November 2020 (CqE Official News)

When the current English national lockdown was announced, the government allocated further funding to local authorities to support businesses that were prevented from trading. Unlike the Small Business Support Grants earlier in the year, which was a national scheme linked to business rates, the exact basis of each scheme is down to individual local authorities, from which it will be necessary to seek further details. Clubs could see if their local authority has a "Local Restrictions Support Grants (Closed) Addendum" scheme and, if so, consider whether they should apply for a grant if they are eligible. Every local authority will have different application procedures and closing dates. Some are not even open yet; others close next month.

The Sport England Return to Play small grants scheme, which was mentioned in a previous news message, was subsequently paused, but has now been re-launched with some changes. The most relevant change is likely to be the requirement now for projects to be ready to start "within six weeks from the point of the national or local restrictions being lifted to allow your activity to return".


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