Dennis Scarr elected to Council
Dennis Scarr elected to Council
18th December 2020 (CqE Official News)
Dennis Scarr has been elected as the CA Council member to represent the Croquet North and Yorkshire Constituency, until the 2022 AGM.
He was nominated by Roger Staples (Middlesborough) and seconded by Phil Errington (Belsay Hall) and the seat was unconstested. His personal statement was:
"I am Chairman of Middlesbrough Croquet Club and also Chairman of Croquet North.
I play AC tournaments throughout the North East, Yorkshire, North West and East Midlands. I have not as yet played tournaments in the 'deep south', but there's time ! Although my focus is on AC play I do have an 'authentic' GC handicap ! I am also a Grade 2 AC Coach.
I was introduced to Croquet, like many before me, on annual family holidays at Cober Hill, near Scarborough and that exposure to the level of enthusiasm for the game I witness every year amongst all ages, even from those who only ever play whilst on holiday, gives me confidence that our great sport has a future.
There are challenges facing Croquet in the North East and Yorkshire. I believe both Federations recognise those challenges and that is more than half the battle. I believe we need to make it easy for people to discover Croquet, to understand enough to play and help them get whatever they are looking for from the game - whichever code - preferably both.
My career was in Local Government, initially Committee Administration, then Strategic Housing before a final decade as a Head of Service which included developing a service integration model for Social Care, Heath and Supported Housing. I hold a B.A ( Hons ) in Management and a Postgraduate Certificate in Education.
My family is everything - my wife and I have 2 adult children and 4 grandchildren. My Christian faith is fundamental to who I am. Football remains dear to me as is my love for the guitar. I am a Steward at Durham Cathedral and my wife and I are heavily involved in running our Local History Society."