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Consultation on CA Complaints Procedure

[<<] [>>] by Ian Vincent
27th January 2021 (CqE Official News)

The CA Disciplinary and Appeals Procedure has been reviewed by a small working group at the request of the Council, with the intention of producing a document which is more comprehensive than the current text but is also
easy to follow.

The current procedure is set out in Clause 8 and Appendix 1 of the Constitution; the proposal is to replace those by a new Clause 8 referring to a new document, the CA Complaints Procedure, published by the Council, to
make it easier to maintain.

A consultation version of the proposed CA Complaints Procedure is available on the CA website to allow anyone interested to comment and make suggestions.

These should be sent to Stephen Mulliner who chairs the working group. The consultation period will end on 15 March 2021.

Please note that there is also a related consultation on a proposed online communication policy and guidance.


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