Executive Board Director wanted
[<<] [>>] by Ian Vincent
28th January 2021
(CqE Official News)
The Executive Board is seeking a new Director of Infrastructure to join its team in driving the CA forward. This position is central to the smooth running of the CA at a critical time when all aspects of our organisation are being reviewed and changes being made.
If you have the leadership skills and enthusiasm to co-ordinate and steer the committees and panels in your portfolio through changes in IT, membership and safeguarding whilst also being part of the day to day business of the CA then we would love to hear from you.
The Executive Board, as a team, is responsible for day to day running of croquet in accordance with the strategy established by Council. It is comprised of a Chairman and six Board Members, known as Directors, supported by the Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer, CA Manager and Chairman of Council. The Board is accountable to Council for its compliance with CA Policies but is not obliged to seek further approval from Council for its actions.
The role of the Board Member is primarily:
- To be a member of the forum (Board) that manages the business of the CA and implements the strategies as outlined above and described in the CA Practice Book (CAPB 6).
- To lead a portfolio of responsibilities for particular operational functions, ensuring that the chairmen of specialist committees and other groups working in that area understand the strategies and to inform the Board of their operational decisions.
In addition, the portfolio of responsibilities for the Director of Infrastructure will initially be focussed on re-establishing the ICT Committee to implement the recommendations of Council's Technology review and to support the newly appointed National Safeguarding Officer, as the new Child Safeguarding policy is rolled out to clubs and Federations.
Board members are appointed by Council annually, and can expect to serve for a maximum of four years. Applications, in the form of a CV with a covering letter, should be e-mailed to the Hon. Secretary, Ian Vincent, to whom informal enquiries can also be made. The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday, Feb 21st 2021, after which the applicants will be shortlisted, for possible interview, by Council's Nominations Committee, which will make a recommendation to Council.