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CA COVID-19 Guidance Reviewed in light of DCMS Guidance

[<<] [>>] by Ian Vincent
26th March 2021 (CqE Official News)

The CA's Covid-19 guidance for clubs and players has been updated in the light of the latest DCMS guidance. The guidance for tournaments is unchanged. A risk assessment has been provided to underpin it, which clubs are invited to adapt for their own use. The practical changes from the version published on 3rd March are that the scope of organised activity has widened; a recommendation to wash equipment added; and the ban on spectators noted.

Several enquiries have been received about how the guidance applies to club "roll-up" sessions. Unless they fit within the definition of "formally organised outdoor sport", i.e have been publicised in advance and are run under the direction of a manager/organiser who is present and responsible for ensuring that it is conducted in a COVID-19 secure manner, then the outdoor gathering limit of 6 (until Step 3 of the roadmap) applies. This means that players should play in groups of no more than 6, and should not interact with those in other groups while at the club.


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