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Selection Policy Updated

[<<] [>>] by Ian Vincent
2nd April 2021 (CqE Official News)

The selection committees have reviewed the CA Selection Policy and version 15 has been approved by Council for use from this season.

The significant changes from Version 14 are:

'Management Committee' replaced with 'Executive Board'.

2.9: Selectors recused from selection decisions involving a partner or direct family member. Added to remove any perceived conflicts of interest from selection decisions.

3: Event list updated where necessary.

5.1.5: Only exceptionally will a player be selected for world team championships who is not a member of the relevant elite squad. This was previously worded as 'was not part of the elite squad', i.e. current membership of the squad is considered a normal requirement for selection.

7: Section 7 has been split into dedicated sections for AC (7) and GC (8).

7.1 / 8.1: Player behaviour has been added as an explicit factor in selection for international team events.

7.1.2b / 8.1.2b: Preference, rather than simply benefit of the doubt, can be given to players under consideration for world team championship places over those not available or under consideration when selecting for other international team events.

7.2 / 8.2: Player potential is highlighted more explicitly as a valid selection criterion for international singles event selection.

7.3.2 / 8.3.2: For invitation events, 'results' defined as being those that form part of the relevant ranking system. Players are given responsibility for ensuring their results are correct.

7.3.3c / 8.3.3c: For invitation events, middle-ranked players given credit more generally for wins against stronger players (previously defined as top 20 players).

7.3.4 / 8.3.4: Clarification that a player not selected for a given invitation event because of a lack of play will not be selected for a lower invitation event.

7.4: CA Women v. Intercounties Division 2 Winners added as an AC Selection Committee responsibility.

7.5: Seeding section for AC clarified, with previously stated AC Selection Committee responsibilities that were in practice routinely carried out by tournament managers removed.

8.3.3: For GC invitation events, 'a negative view is taken of losses against significantly poorer players, especially in multigame matches', is removed. (Previously section 7.7.d.)

10: Selection appeal section expanded and clarified. (Previously section 9.)


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