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Save the date(s) - BHF National Croquet Week 2021 - 24 Jul to 1 Aug

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pictureBHF funds research related to heart and circulatory diseases and their risk factors.

by Paul Hetherington
20th May 2021 (CqE Official News)

The Covid-19 restrictions have made holding National Croquet Week in its usual berth of May impractical but an exciting opportunity has come up for us to team up with the British Heart Foundation who celebrate their 60th anniversary on 28 July.

This will give us a chance to raise funds for charity by testing the 'come and play' ideas shared at recent online webinars, with additional publicity through the British Heart Foundation's extensive regional and online networks.

To find out more, please register your interest by 23:59 Friday 28th May - we will be organising several virtual drop-in sessions in early June, to discuss and share ideas.

Fundraising whilst promoting your club

All participating clubs will receive a digital heart-care pack and local support for fundraising efforts as well as publicity presenting.

This will be a real opportunity for clubs to pull in potential members, promote an important cause and test new ways of reaching out to the public.

Working with the British Heart Foundation

Marketing & Publishing Committee are now working hard to produce"off the shelf" materials that clubs can download and use for promoting their events and we are arranging how to put clubs in touch with their local British Heart Foundation representatives to ensure that events get full promotion and support.

The aim is for events to run in a nine day window from Saturday 24 July through to Sunday 1 August.

We are hoping for a strong take-up and some great fundraising activities with this exciting opportunity.

Further details will be distributed to clubs via email; please start thinking around the dates and what your club can do to get involved, grow croquet, grow awareness for the British Heart Foundation and test a potential model for future recruitment weeks.

Paul Hetherington
CA Director of Marketing


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