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Phil Eardley appointed as AC International Performance Director

[<<] [>>] by Ian Vincent
6th August 2021 (CqE Official News)

Phil Eardley has been appointed as the AC International Performance Director. By way of introduction, he writes:

"Like many of us, I first encountered croquet in my grandparent's garden, where the rules varied in order to hinder my uncle's progress. I then played a little at university and a lot at Ipswich.
This season my handicap has finally improved to -1.5, about 15 years since I was only one win away from it. My most successful tournament, over the years, has been the speed doubles at Surbiton - I expect this will surprise some of you!

I'm very pleased to be the new AC International Performance Director. The overall aim of the role is to strengthen the performance of England at international tournaments, both in team events, particularly the Mac, and in singles championships. If you have any ideas about things that should be improved or changed, please contact me or chat at a tournament."


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